Supersizing things for 2022!

#SuperMeet event to connect Kāpiti’s youth and employers.

We have hit the ground running this year, with big plans in the works for our programmes throughout 2022. 

The first will be our #SuperMeet event - a super-sized version of our standard #EmployerMeet event, with more rangatahi, more employers and more opportunities for both!

The #SuperMeet aims at connecting youth and local employers with a fun speed dating style event that will also include a couple of speakers and free pizza - what’s not to love! 

When: Thursday 24th March, 2022, 5:00pm - 8:00pm

Where: Southward Car Museum, Otahihanga

What can you expect?

This is a speed-dating style event, with a variety of local business owners meeting with multiple youths over the course of the evening!

If you’re a youth wanting to get involved you simply register and select the employers you want to meet with, from industries you have an interest in. Then on the night, you complete a series of meetings with your selected employers.

The meetings will be like mini-interviews, a chance for you to demonstrate your skills and abilities, whilst forging a useful connection with an employer from within your chosen industry. You can discuss your CV, how you present at an interview, the pathway into the industry and get top tips on becoming employed!

It’s an amazing opportunity to get a headstart on your career journey and for local businesses to get involved in this journey. 

For more information on getting involved either as a youth or an employer please email -

Or follow Work Ready Kāpiti on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin for up to date information about the #SuperMeet.


Our #SuperMeet is less than a month away!


2021, what a year!