Ready to explore your career pathways? Why not try out an #EmployerMeet!
These are speed-meet style events in a fun and relaxed environment. During the event you will meet with a bunch of awesome local businesses, have all your questions answered and explore different industries. The best part? You’re in control! You can select which employers you would like to meet with and how many.
This is your chance to dive into possible career pathways, gain valuable interview experience and build connections that could potentially turn into work experience placements or job opportunities down the line.
#EmployerMeets are held at Kāpiti College, Paraparaumu College, Ōtaki College, as well as at a community event at the Kāpiti Impact Hub.
If you are in college and are keen to give one of our #EmployerMeets a go, please speak with your careers or transition teacher.
If you are not currently attending a college please get in contact with one of our lovely team members for further information as you are very welcome to attend any of these events.
2025 DATES:
Kāpiti College: 23.07.25
Ōtaki College: 27.08.25
Paraparaumu College: 03.09.25